Countdown to Summer!


School is almost out down here. June 5th is their last day. There is so much going on at school!! Last week my daughter went on her class field trip to the bowling alley. How much fun was that?! 100 kindergarteners bowling!!


A sweet picture with her teacher.


After bowling it was of to the park for some more fun!!


Today we pajama and movie day!


Then tomorrow is water and pizza day. Friday is a picnic at school. Next week another pajama and movie day! Wow how fun!!


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Bowling is so much fun, that would have been my dream class trip lol!

  2. The one on the left in the last picture looks a little like my Cadence! How fun to go bowling with your class!

  3. Love pajama day and that must have been ONE crazy bowling trip!

  4. We have yet to take our children bowling. That would be a fun rainy day outing! Looks like a great wind down for the school year!

  5. Since school has been out for just over a week now, here, it’s summer for us! And we are already loving it! Bowling is a great school trip, not sure why none of my son’s classes ever did it.

  6. How precious! Yes, the countdown can finally begin!

  7. The last weeks of school are always hectic yet fun. I am definitely looking forward to summer break!

  8. This will be truly fun for all the kids! The last week of school is always a humdinger isn’t it? !

  9. Wow, it all sounds like a lot of fun, fun, fun! I love your pics!

  10. Looks like she’s having a lot of fun leading up to the end of school.

  11. I remember how chaotic the end of the school year was and all the fun activities the teachers had planned at that time. All those parties are fun!

  12. So fun. We have three more days until the kids are out here.