Foodies Predict Popular Food Health Trends in 2015

When it comes to popular food trends, no one knows more about the subject than foodies, or people who take a special interest in the food industry. Foodies not only love food; they love keeping up with every aspect of it. This is why many foodies start up their own blogs, such as the Maxim Gorin blog, to share their opinion on a subject they hold near and dear. As such, foodies are the best people to ask about which foods are going to be popular in 2015.

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The Return of Whole Milk

Without a doubt, 2014 was the year of milk alternatives, such as rice, coconut and almond milk. However, this trend is about to lose a little ground, and whole milk is going to make a return. Foodies say that, while dairy products are often the cause of congestion for many people, whole milk contains a lot of vitamin K and D, as well as omega 3 fatty acids. These are things that most people simply don’t get enough of in their daily diets. While it’s true that whole milk is a good deal more fattening than 2 percent or skim milk, the extra fat is what helps the body properly absorb all the nutrients. So put down the glass of almond milk and pick up a glass of whole milk.

Pickled Vegetables

If you see a lot more pickled vegetables on store shelves in 2015, don’t be shocked. This was a trend that started to take off at the end of 2014 and will continue into 2015 and beyond. While pickles, which are just pickled cucumbers, have always been popular, other vegetables such as cauliflower, onions, radishes and beets have also been gaining in popularity. So why is this a health trend in food? It has to do with the healthy bacteria that ferments the vegetables. This bacteria is helpful to your overall immune system. Pickled vegetables also have anti-bacteria properties for bad bacteria and are higher in vitamins.

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Cold-Pressed Juice

Cold-pressed juice caught on in 2012, but it’s a trend that will shine big time in 2015. Many towns already have juice bars popping up all over the place. So why are so many people jumping on the juice bandwagon? First of all, it’s an easy and quick way to get some much-needed nutrition. Also, it tastes great and comes in a lot of different flavors. You can mix and match vegetables and fruit for endless possibilities. In some cases, people like having their vegetables cold-pressed more than the like eating them raw.

These are just a few examples of some of the popular health trends that will be making their way into people’s diets in 2015. Some foodies also agree that these trends may be around for a long time, rather than be big hits for just one year. For those of you who are looking to get a little extra vitamins in your diet and live healthier lives in 2015, consider these existing and upcoming food trends.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. My friend is a huge juicer. I’d love to try it but I need. Better machine for sure!

  2. I didn’t realize there were official trends on food. I may just try the pressed juices this time around.

  3. I honestly don’t think the whole milk trend is going to come back πŸ˜‰ I think too many people are still concerned about the fat in it. But the juice – most definitely, I see people asking everyday in my Facebook feed about which is the best juicer to get because they want to start juicing!

  4. I actually wish whole milk would come back in… it is far more healthier than skim milk for sure. I know I use 2% and skim to cut down on calories, but I think there are benefits to full-fat dairy. Just keep your calories in check and you can lose weight, even drinking/eating full-fat dairy. Just my .02 cents. πŸ™‚

  5. I love how there are people who predict food trends… and how brands and restaurants spend a lot of money to be on the start of these trends. I have to say that juice has been around for a while. I hear about the juice kicks every Spring and Summer. I love the use of fermented foods and have been working on my own. Live cultures are so healthy. As for whole milk. I already switched. For many reasons we went back full circle to embrace whole dairy… even though I grew up as a Skim gal.

  6. I’m starting to like cold-pressed juices more than I used to, so that’s wonderful news!

  7. I bought some cold-pressed juice as a way to test out my family’s openess to the whole juicing. It didn’t go well, but I bought only green ones. I think I need to get some with a higher fruit content to get us started.

  8. Who knew these kind of predictions exist! I’m going to try to see if I can incorporate a few of these in my diet.

  9. It has been a long time since I drank whole milk. Though I do only drink chocolate milk that is whole

  10. I didn’t know about the whole milk, but I’d definitely noticed the cold-pressed juice trend.

  11. These are all fabulous food trends that we’ve already jumped on. Whole milk is sooo delicious! And pickled vegetables an excellent source of pre and pro-biotics, essential for a healthy gut. Cold pressed juices are one of my favorite pick me ups πŸ™‚

  12. I just bought a juicer. I need to start drinking cold pressed juices. I’m all about the juices at the moment.

  13. Pickled veggies sound good as a trend! I actually already really like them (except celery, it doesn’t taste good to me even pickled).

  14. Definitely seeing a lot more stores selling cold-pressed juice, so I’ll probably be drinking more of that this year. Pickled veggies are one of my favorite snacks, so yay!! πŸ™‚