How to Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever



If you play your cards right, a new year can mean a new you — but only if you’re ready to commit to making changes and sticking to your goals. Before you start checking off items on your list of resolutions, though, you need to take some time to think about what you want to accomplish and where you’d like to see yourself at the tail end of 2020.

Here are three ways to make 2020 your best year yet and the changes you’ll need to make to get there.

1. Get Organized

If you’re someone who spends a lot of time searching for missing keys or tends to be late for important meetings or appointments, commit to making 2020 your year to get organized. Organizing your home, your desk and your schedule can have a huge impact on your life. Start by clearing out clutter, especially anything you no longer use. 

Opening up your space can help you feel less restricted and make it easier to relax. Meantime, buying a calendar and updating it regularly can help keep your day-to-day schedule organized, which means a better chance of getting to where you need to be on time. And finally, clearing your desk of clutter and organizing your supplies will help you stay focused and productive.

2. Commit to Your Goals

While more than 60 percent of us make New Year’s resolutions, less than 8 percent actually work to achieve their goals. If you’re one of those people who tends to give up too quickly and easily on the goals you set each year, it’s time to commit to making 2020 different.

In 2020, make a resolution to fully commit to completing your goals. This doesn’t mean you have to tackle them all at once. After all, they are your resolutions for the year. If your goals are lofty, consider breaking them up into bite-sized chunks in order to more easily achieve them.

Then, set a timeline to determine when you hope to accomplish a certain feat. This can help make big goals feel more attainable and help you avoid the temptation to give up when things get tough. Whether you want to get in better shape, strive for a promotion at work, or simply spend more time relaxing, committing fully to your goals is the first step toward achieving them.

3. Give Your Bedroom a Refresh

There’s no denying the many benefits of a good night’s sleep, which is why you should make it a point to prioritize making your bedroom a relaxing spot in the new year. Creating a calming space with few distractions and a relaxing, spa-like feel will help you wind down, even after a stressful day. 

From adopting a new color scheme to adding new bedroom furnishings, creating a space that inspires rest can help you fall asleep faster and easier, which means you’ll be better prepared to take on anything that life throws your way.

Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever

The start of 2020 is upon us, which means it’s time to start making plans if you want it to be your best year yet. Whether you’re thinking about doing a little redecorating, finally reaching your fitness goals, or have other plans in mind, these simple ideas can help get you motivated and improve your chances of successfully completing your New Year’s resolutions.



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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