How To Study When You’re A Parent

Studying seemed hard enough when you were a child until you did it as an adult. Then you suddenly realize that you had it way easier back then when education was all you knew, and you had no other responsibilities. Studying as you get older is harder, but it’s still achievable. Here are some tips for studying when you’re a parent.


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Figure Out Costs

The cost of studying isn’t cheap, and even though you might want to study and gain qualifications or skills, it’s not always possible financially. That’s where you’ll need to find other ways of funding it without you getting into too much debt that it becomes unmanageable. Figure out the costs from everything to the course or cost of the qualification itself to any literature you might need to buy along the way like ACT prep books. It should all be noted so that you can keep track of how much you need to spend and how much you’ll have to save so that you can still live comfortably enough.


Create A Study Space

A study space is important for you when you’re a parent because usually, the whole home can be a playground for your children. However, there will be one or two spaces that you can command in your home to be a quiet and relaxed study space. Otherwise, if you’re not conscious of this, you’re going to really struggle to get a space that works for you and what you need. Make sure your family are aware of what you need in order to study effectively and be sure to put your foot down where needed so that you can prioritize what space you are using and when. It’s only something that your household needs to put up with for so long until you’ve gained that degree or qualification.


Ask For Help Off Friends And Family

Friends and family can lend a helping hand when you need it, so don’t deny yourself that assistance when people ask. Reach out to those when you need them, even if it’s to take the children out of your house for the day so that you can spend time studying or doing a practice exam or test. Those loved ones of yours will be sure to repay the favor when they need you, so make sure to owe them one!


Learn How To Balance Everything

Balancing life in every aspect can be difficult, and the more plates we juggle, the more we feel uneasy. However, you need to trust and believe in yourself that you can, in fact, do what you set out to achieve. Yes, there may be some failures along the way, but everyone has the ability to succeed in life, and although this might be a challenging part of your life, it’s important to trust yourself and what you can do.


Studying as a parent isn’t easy, but with enough support and your own belief in yourself, you can easily achieve what you’re studying for!



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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