Simply Go Gurt & MyBlogSpark Review and Giveaway –

My son and my stepsons have been eating Go-Gurt for well, forever. I was hesitant to give Savannah Go-Gurt because, well she likes regular yogurt and I’d rather her eat that, than the “kids” yogurts. However the other day she wanted the same yogurt Hunter was having, so I let her have one. Well I’m so excited to learn that Yoplait came out with Simply…Go-Gurt. Both children tried the new yogurt and both liked it. Yeah! The new Simply…Go-Gurt is made from simple ingredients and contains no high fructose corn syrup or artificial colors or flavors. Each yogurt tube contains a good source of calcium and vitamin D. So now I can feel good about giving both my children the fun yogurt in a tube!

The new Simply… Go-Gurt comes in two kid-friendly flavors, Strawberry and Mixed Berry.

MyBlogSpark and Yoplait send me a fun “Simply Your Life” package that contains a coupon for free Simply… Go-Gurt , a pocket Etch a Sketch, weekly planner and a seat back organizer.

See below – 30 Mommy Has to Work readers will get to try the new Simply Go-Gurt for FREE! After 30 winners, there will be a $1.10 off coupon available.

*This coupon offer for free Simply… Go-Gurt is not valid in some states, including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, North Dakota and Tennessee.

Yoplait Yogurt and MyBlogSpark would like to give one Mommy Has to Work reader a “Simplify Your Life” Package just like I received.

To enter – tell how you simplify your life.

Additional entries:
2 extra entries – Subscribe to my newsletter. (leave 2 comments)( you will need to activate your subscription in order for entry to be valid)
2 extra entries – Blog about this giveaway on your blog or website, or tweet about it. Please leave a link to post.( leave 2 comments) (include @mommyhastowork for tweets)
1 extra entry – Follow my new blog – Mommy’s Reviews and More
1 extra entry – add my button to your blog and leave a link
1 extra entry – Follow this blog
1 extra entry – Follow me on
become a friend/fan on Facebook

Contest ends June 4th – US only. The product(s) provided for the review were sent to me free of charge from Yoplait through MyBlogSpark. The product(s) offered for the giveaway are free of charge, no purchase necessary. My opinions are my own and not by any means influenced by any other part.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Adrienne says

    I simplify my life by making my son's lunch the night before (mornings are too hectic). I also don't worry about cleaning as much as I used to. If something doesn't get done today, it will be waiting for me tomorrow…I'd rather squeeze in some cuddle time with my little man!

    aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com

  2. Adrienne says

    I follow your new blog!

  3. Adrienne says

    I follow this blog!

    aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com

  4. Adrienne says

    I follow you on Twitter! @mamatojj

    aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com

  5. Leandrea at Coupons Are Great says

    I need to simplify my life! I need desk organization. To get the magazines off of my desk I simplified my life by sticking them in the garage. leandrea246(at)

  6. Stopping by from FMBT. I've been following you. Please visit and follow back.


  7. I simplify by just letting things go…I am a very high stress person but I've been trying to not take things so seriously lately.

  8. I'm a facebook fan.

  9. GroverFamily says

    I try to make a plan for the next day the night before. That way when I wake up I already know what to do first.

  10. Weekly Menu Planning has really help me simplify my life 🙂

    lorenz_l at comcast dot net

  11. I am following you on Twitter 🙂

  12. I retweeted your give away 🙂

  13. Anonymous says

    I lay out clothes the night before so there's no running around in the morning.


  14. jewelknits says

    Well, I was forced to simplify my life by a job loss. I moved into a much smaller apartment, cut the cable off (it's not as though we watch a lot of television anyway) and started making a lot of my own stuff and growing a lot of my own veggies. Now that I'm working again, I've found that I really don't miss all of the extraneous stuff (although I still want to move into a bigger place within the year), so it worked out for me.

    jewell330 at aim dot com

  15. andrea v says

    We lay our school clothes out the night before so the kids can get up and just put them on. No hunting for a certain shirt.

  16. andrea v says

    current email subscriber entry 1

  17. andrea v says

    current email subscriber entry 2

  18. Sarah Lynne says

    When I get too overwelmed, I simplfy my life by just stopping, breathing and forgeting everything!!! LOL

    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  19. Sarah Lynne says

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    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

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    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  21. Sarah Lynne says

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    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

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    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  24. The Taylor Household says

    I have my children do chores
    jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com

  25. The Taylor Household says

    i follow your blog
    jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com

  26. The Taylor Household says

    twitter follower

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    joni taylor
    jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com

  28. I simplify (some things) by utilizing my smart phone's calendar to keep track of everything.

  29. I subscribe.


  30. I subscribe.


  31. I thought I already did this, it must not have gone through because I don't see it anywhere. Please don't disqualify me!!

    I simplify my life (somewhat) by utilizing my smart phone's calendar to keep track of appointments and stuff.

  32. I like to read, thats calming and quiet.

  33. I am an email subscriber.

  34. I am an email subscriber x2

  35. I try not to worry about the small stuff-I enjoy getting up early in the morning when the house is quiet and getting alot done

    tiramisu392 (at)

  36. I've been trying to stop buying things. From clothes to toys to magazines, it seems like there are always things that I don't need cluttering up our lives. It helps to simply not bring them into our lives in the first place.

  37. Grandma to Twins + One says

    I lay out clothes the night before. Try to plan meals for at least Monday thru Friday by Sunday afternoon. It's stressful at work so I try doing what I can and not worrying about what I can't get done.


  38. Grandma to Twins + One says

    I'm an email subscriber (1).

  39. Grandma to Twins + One says

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  40. Grandma to Twins + One says

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  41. Grandma to Twins + One says

    I follow your new blog.

  42. Grandma to Twins + One says

    I grabbed your button.

  43. Grandma to Twins + One says

    I blogged about this giveaway (1).

  44. Grandma to Twins + One says

    I blogged about this giveaway (2).

  45. ohhhfire says

    i simplify my life by keeping my kitchen clean, i always clean after eating dinner so i dont have a mess build up!

  46. ohhhfire says

    i am an email subscriber 1

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    i am an email subscriber 2

  48. ohhhfire says

    i follow your new blog

  49. ohhhfire says

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    i am a facebook fan
    jenn giannetto

  51. ohhhfire says

    i am a twitter follower

  52. jewelknits says

    I'm following "mommy's reviews"!

    jewell330 at aim dot com

  53. collegesuitcase says

    I've learned to simplify my life in a huge way with a small change – by putting my keys in the same place every time I come home!

  54. Leandrea at Coupons Are Great says

    Lists simplify my life! leandrea246(at)

  55. I simplify my life by not procrastinating.
    candaceotto32 at yahoo dot com

  56. I follow on gfc.
    candaceotto32 at yahoo dot com

  57. I follow your new blog, Mommy's Reviews and More. candaceotto32 at yahoo dot com

  58. I have quit volunteering for things that are really just extra busyness and if I do volunteer I do so for my kids' schools. I'm one of those people who feels good about being busy, but I have learned to say no!

  59. Christine says

    I simplify my life by delegating and letting the kids help.


  60. I use the crockpot more, simplifies dinner, make the kids do dishes, simplifies the mess. and don't stress the little things…makes life easier and not as many doctor bills

  61. Natalie A. says

    I simplify by not caring what people think and by cleaning the house or a certain room before I go to bed! Thanks for the chance to win!

    coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

  62. Natalie A. says

    I follow your blog!

    coolnatty at yahoo dot com

  63. Natalie A. says

    I follow on Twitter! natdey

    coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

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    I subscribe by e-mail!

    coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

  65. Natalie A. says

    I subscribe by e-mail! 2

    coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

  66. Natalie A. says

    I follow your new blog!

    coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

  67. Jennifer says

    Oh…Wow..I guess I'd have to say by having a I don't give a hoot attitude!!!

  68. Christine says

    I am a very high stress person but I've been trying to not take things so seriously lately.
    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

  69. Christine says

    I'm a subscriber.
    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

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    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

  71. J Miller says

    I simplify my life by growing my own veggies! Saves a lot of money and I know exactly what is used in the growing process

    J Miller

  72. Jennifer H says

    Hmm simplify? Not sure that's used around here. 🙂 But I'd love to win this and try it out! Jenprincess88 at yahoo dot com

  73. Jennifer H says


  74. Jennifer H says

    follow your other blog

  75. Jennifer H says

    your fb fan! (J Cochrane)

  76. I simplify by giving myself one small chore to do each day and eventually it adds up.

    delightfully@gmail dot com

  77. I follow via GFC.

    delightfully@gmail dot com

  78. Follow on twitter. @thisishowtdo

  79. Following your other blog as well.

  80. Kimbuckjr says

    MANDATORY ENTRY: How I simplify my life…GOSH…I guess I just "Don't sweat the small stuff." I have always believed that all issues will be resolved, they have to. For every beginning there is an end and so to simplify my life and not stress over everything that goes WRONG around me, I work it out and do my darndest not to stress about it. If I sense stress, I ask for assistance or a rescue!

  81. Kimbuckjr says

    I subscribe to your newsletter.

  82. Kimbuckjr says

    I subscribe to your newsletter.

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  84. Kimbuckjr says
  85. Kimbuckjr says

    I follow your NEW blog, Mommy's Reviews and More.

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    I follow THIS blog.

  87. Kimbuckjr says

    I am a facebook fan, my ID is: chicagobearsfan1

  88. Kimbuckjr says

    I follow you on Twitter. My Twitter ID is: @kimbuckjr

  89. tina reynolds says

    I do what I can when I can, and try to always lays stuff out the night before so I have a easy morning.

  90. tina reynolds says

    i follow your blog

  91. tina reynolds says

    i subscribe 1/2

  92. tina reynolds says

    i subscribe 2/2

  93. 3 Boys and an Old Lady says

    I simplify my life by keeping baskets in every room makes it easier to move things where they should be.

  94. Colleen Turner says

    I simplify my life by staying organized! I try to keep everything in its place so my 4 year old son and 30 year old husband don't destroy the house!

  95. 3 Boys and an Old Lady says

    1 I subscribe via email

  96. Colleen Turner says

    Email subscriber #1.

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    Email subscriber #2.

  98. 3 Boys and an Old Lady says

    2 I subscribe via email

  99. Colleen Turner says

    GFC follower.

  100. Colleen Turner says

    Facebook fan (Colleen Turner).

  101. Colleen Turner says

    GFC follower of Mommies Reviews and More.

  102. Connie Black says

    I simplify my life by preparing several meals for the week during the weekend. That way when I am working, my husband can just pull a meal from the freezer and tada….dinner.
    epblack at zoominternet dot net

  103. Connie Black says

    email subscriber
    epblack at zoominternet dot net
    entry #1

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    epblack at zoominternet dot net
    entry #2

  105. Connie Black says

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    epblack at zoominternet dot net

  106. Connie Black says

    Twitter follower: @97hockeymom
    epblack at zoominternet dot net

  107. Connie Black says

    Facebook fan: Connie Cawthern Black
    epblack at zoominternet dot net