
As most you may know I am not working right now. We moved to northern Florida after living in South Florida for over 30 years.

I worked in a doctor’s office that also had a skin care clinic. I loved visiting the skin care clinic!
Katheryn is the esthetician there and she gave wonderful microdermabrasions and facials!
Fortunately we could get ours done at a great price, but was usually not the same that a full paying customer received. It depended on how much time we had to visit. Usually only a half hour at lunch was all the time I could spare.
Before the “clinic” was opened I tried one of those microdermabrasion at home kits. It had a little spinning brush and seemed to work well. That was probably 10 years ago and I am ready to check out what is new in home kits. Florida sun can damage your skin for sure. I’ve been looking around online, at sites like ShopNBC, and have found some great microdermabrasion at home kits that I might be able to use.



Basically microdermabrasion removes the top layer of skin, the dead skin. It’s a non-invasive treatment that can be done in a doctor’s office, salon, or at home. Dermabrasion is similar in procedure, but removes deeper layers. After a microdermabrsion your skin may be sensitive. I remember getting mine on a Friday and Katheryn always telling me to wear lots of sunscreen over the weekend!
I wash my face and wear sunscreen, but it’s time I got back into a routine!
Do you microdermabrasion often?
This post brought to you by ShopNBC. Photo credit form the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. I would love it around my mouth and eyes!

  2. My forehead needs some serious blasting!!

  3. I’d like to try one of the home kits.

  4. I’m actually a licensed Cosmetologist (turned SAHM) and certified to do micros. I sure do miss getting them though!

  5. I’ve never done this -but considering it.

  6. I’ve heard that if you have age spots that this can make them worse, so I’ve avoided it. Is that true? Or am I WAY off?

  7. I have always considered getting this done. I have sensitive skin so I get nervous.

  8. I have a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion kit that I got at a women’s retreat a few years ago. I haven’t used it yet though!

  9. I have a home microdermabrasion kit, but have only used it a couple of times. Not enough to see real results.

  10. I would love to do it on my forehead but haven’t tried it.

  11. I’ve never tried it but would love to sometime.

  12. I would love this around my eyes. I have used some stuff that came out of a tube that worked really well too.

  13. I need some blasting on my forehead and around my mouth. I dont know what it is about those areas… crazy.

  14. I’ve never done it but I sure could use it!

  15. I’ve never done it.

  16. I really need to look into this. This pregnancy is killing my skin.

  17. Never had it done but need to start now that I’m 30. Yikes!

  18. I would love to try this!

  19. I wish do microdermabrasion but with eczema, my skin is way too sensitive.

  20. I would really like to try this, I think you can get kits at the store for it right? Or am I totally mistaken LOL