K5 Learning Review


I’ve kept Savannah home from preschool since February, but I still wanted her to learn while she was home. We did “activities” for the first few months after being home.  I bought books and crafts and looked into some online lessons. One online program that stood out was K5 Learning.

K5 Learning offers sample lessons that you can try immediately. Savannah really enjoyed the penguins! You can also sign up for a 14 day free trial membership. I signed Savannah up for the 6 week blogger review program. She really enjoyed doing the lessons.

What’s unique about K5 Learning is they assess your child and give him or her activities based on their skills not their age. If you feel your child is having difficulty, you just email them and they will correct it. There is nothing to download or install, it’s all online. There are no ads or external links. The children can work independently and then mom or dad will get a progress report. You each have separate logins.

I sat with Savannah while she did her lessons. She’s only 4. I really liked the program and wished I could sign her up, but it’s not something I can do at the moment. I liked how the reading lessons went. The program would read out loud a page and ask questions. The child could easily have the page re-read. After 2 chances the correct answer is given. The math was fun too! They made pizzas and counted the different toppings. The Hippo Hotel was fun too! It costs $25 a month for the unlimited access.

If you are looking to boost your child’s summer learning or looking for something in the fall at least check out K5’s online reading and math program. I may re-consider once Savannah start’s pre-kindergarten in the fall. She will be home 2 days a week and we may need the extra learning.

Check out K5’s blog and they are on Facebook and Twitter too!
I received a six week subscription in order to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. I’m definitely going to have to check this out for my almost 4 year old.

  2. What a cute program!

  3. Looks like a great app that would be perfect for my 6 year old.

  4. Sounds like something my son might enjoy.

  5. how cool!

  6. What a cute program! I have to tell my sister about this for her little ones!

  7. This looks like a great product for the little ones!

  8. this looks great for my daughter! thanks for the review

  9. Great site! Thanks for the review.

  10. What a neat program. I’m going to check out their site.

  11. This looks like a wonderful program!

  12. It looks like a great educational tool for kids.

  13. Great review!

  14. Definitely a great thing to keep your kids learning when out of school/preschool

  15. What a cute program! Great review too.

  16. Very cool, wish I had a grandchild to share that with.

  17. I like the idea of teaching based on skill and not age…it FITS better.

  18. $25 a month is great considering the price of curriculum. Thanks!

  19. I like that it’s based on skills, not age. Kids of the same age can be dramatically different in what they can handle.

  20. this looks great!

  21. This looks like something I can use for my toddler this upcoming school year that she will be home

  22. Looks cool! I would get one for my kid