Shaun White Skate Board #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo #CBias

My son’s birthday is coming up and he wanted a new skateboard. So we went to Walmart in search of a Shaun White Skate Board, specifically one in the Thrash series. Our Walmart has a big Shaun White display featuring many different styles and designs starting at $35.00. These skate boards are only sold in select Walmart, so make sure to check first.

The Shaun White skate boards had some awesome graphics. Hunter liked this one. The quality was superior to other skate boards offered in the store.

We checked out the other skate boards offered as well, just to be sure we were getting the best one.

Hunter finally settles on this Thrash series skate board. He also picked up a new helmet. His is cracked. He also requested some knee and elbow pads. He never used them before, but he is trying to do more on his skateboard and wanted to be protected. Smart kid!

My son loves to be outdoors and skateboard is one way he does that. Being outside as a family is important for us. I like to be able to get some fresh air and exercise and spend time with my family. This is just one way we can do this. I’m sure it won’t be long till my daughter is asking for a skate board.

We shopped for my son’s Shaun White skate board while participating in a Collective Bias shop, #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo. It was a perfect gift for my son’s 12th birthday!

You can see Shaun White on Facebook and Twitter . Also see some cool videos on Youtube!

Check out the ad promoting Shaun White Thrash Boards in papers 10/28.



““I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Shaun White Supply Co #CBias #SocialFabric. Opinions are my own.





I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. My son hasn’t expressed an interest in skateboarding, at least not yet. But I actually loved skateboarding and was somewhat decent at it when I was 12 -13 years old. Of course back then they didn’t do the kinds of tricks they do on skateboards today. 🙂

  2. Wow that’s pretty cool! What a fun hobby!

  3. This really is a perfect birthday gift! It looks like he is enjoying it already.

  4. I grew up around skateboards since my brother was a skater. I tried to learn and fell way too many times that I care to admit.

    these Shaun White boards look pretty cool!

  5. What a cool skateboard! My daughter had one when she was younger but she lost it at a friend’s house. I will have to ask her if she’d like one of these cool Shaun White ones!

  6. This is something my sons will be into when they are older, so I expect we’ll have to get them one day 🙂

  7. That is a nice board collection, and I’m so glad he’ll be using it a lot.

  8. Very cool board!

  9. Look at him go! My son has one but really doesn’t know how to maneuver it yet.

  10. Looks like he had fun choosing a board!

  11. I forgot how much fun skateboards are!