Busy Bags and Marvelous Moms

Written By Libby Blumberg



What fun we had today! I hosted a ‘Busy Bags’ event at my house and as much as I procrastinated and cussed at myself for not really putting my best foot forward, I am so thankful to have been a part of this.

For those of you not in the mommy, play date, toddler phase of life, here’s what we did. We each found an 
activity, most likely from Pinterest or a mommy blog. We created and assembled the parts for said activity in 10 sets. We announced our choice of activity to avoid duplicates. Then we came together with our kids and shared our creations. These activities are designed to keep the child ‘busy’ learning about colors, numbers, etc. and using fine motor skills. BRILLIANT!



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My immediate thought after receiving nine awesome busy bags: If we kept this up on a regular basis, we might never have to go to a toy store again! The problem with that is the time consumption. It does take time to decide on your activity, buy the materials, assemble the materials, and make 10 sets.



But my overall feeling about this type of event brings to mind the African proverb, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ How cool is it that we all took the time, money, energy, and creative thinking to do this for each other’s kids? I, for one, feel honored and proud.

I think these pictures of my daughter after the ‘party’ say it all. She had to be so patient to wait until all the kids left to try her new games. But she was amazing. I loved watching her discover, learn, play, and celebrate.



Libby Blumberg, Contributor. Original Post


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. That is such a smart idea! You only have to put a little time in but you get it back ten fold in fun!

  2. I’ve never heard of doing a busy bags event. It looks like a great idea!

  3. I love this idea! Kind of like a cookie exchange but for kids’ activities. Children always love to have new fun activities to do too.

  4. That’s a pretty clever idea. I wish that Pinterest had been around when my kids were little – I could have used the Pinspiration.

  5. What a great idea.

  6. I need to try this for my son, he would love it!

  7. I need to do this for my family! What a great idea!

  8. How adorable is that (and she too!)

  9. I love how intent she is on what she is doing!

  10. I’d never heard of a Busy Bags party before. Love the idea!

  11. That’s a great idea for the kiddos. My group of friends have children of varying ages, but I’m sure they would all appreciate the bags full of fun activities. I love the little teddy bears!

  12. This is such a great idea! We have several in our area that homeschool and they are all about the same age. We should totally do this!

  13. This is really a great idea. I know my kids would love to have their own little busy bag to do while I’m working on something else.

  14. She looks so happy, what a great way to share!

  15. I have never heard of this before but what a great idea. I would love to do something like this with my friends.

  16. These are cute and a great idea!

  17. What a fun idea, I have never heard of this before! I am sure it makes the kids so happy!!!

  18. I wish I had thought of this when my kids were little! Allowing your child to play on a tablet or smart phone was not as popular four years ago as it is now today.