Finding The Flexibility You Need In Life Is A Virtue

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It’s very easy to assume that one life situation should fit all people if it’s healthy and productive enough, but of course, that’s not the case. Some people thrive in a structured environment with essential routines that change little, others less so. Flexibility is often the most reliable virtue when it comes to setting up our life schedule, because none of us, especially those of us who might have children, wider responsibilities and varied opportunities to chase may not be able to predict everything we need to take care of in a given month.

To use an example – while many people correctly assuming that home ownership can be cheaper and more beneficial than renting on a macro scale, the convenience of renting, having maintenance attended to as part of your expenses, and being part of a contract you could leave relatively quickly if needed is appropriate, and even ideal for some.

So, let’s consider how to find the flexibility you need in life, and why you should feel guilty about taking a different route:

Remote Work & Remote Learning Is A Fantastic Resource

Many of us became familiar with remote working over the pandemic, and this simple provisions allowed thousands, even millions of businesses to survive lockdowns the world over. However, this remote working effort can apply to many areas of life. No matter if you’re seeking a hybrid role for personal work or a high school distance learning program your children as you move to a new location without a secured place in a local school, you can benefit from life flexibility when your development, and the development of your children, is free from the usual and traditional shackles. This might not work for everyone, but if it works for you, you should go for it!

Consider Planning That Aids Your Flexible Schedule

Flexibility isn’t about doing what you wish to, when you wish to. Often, it means making provisions so that you can have more choice as to where to commit to certain tasks. For instance, those engaging in meal prep Sunday have more time during the weekday, and this means they can better choose when they eat, and how much in order to thrive in the best way. It doesn’t mean they won’t have to put thought, planning and effort into curating the right meals, it just means that delaying or bringing forward their lunch or evening meal is easier to care for. As you can see, flexibility is often a provision we work for, not an entitlement we have

Personal Flexibility & Accepting Change

It’s important to note that flexibility isn’t only about expecting everyone else to conform to us, but being able to change too. This might mean properly reviewing your efforts at work and looking at where you need to improve, so you can change for the role provided to you. It might mean becoming more flexible with the times you look after your children, and the times your partner is expected to take that responsibility in your schedules. It might mean accepting overtime during a busy work period. If we can be flexible, we find that others are more willing to be flexible with us, too. 

With this advice, we’re sure you’ll find the flexibility you need in life, and benefit as a result.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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