How Much Should I Spend on Groceries a Week for a Family of Four?

Okay, we always used to spend too much on groceries. Then we got on the bandwagon and started really watching what we spent and using more coupons than ever before. For a few weeks we only spent $40.00 (I think we must have went more than once or bought more at Target), but latley we’ve been spending 80.00! With coupons and sales. I feel a little lost, like I’m doing something wrong.

I’d appreciate it if you can help me out. How much do you spend weekly, for everything – meats, dairy, fruits/veggies, etc? Does 80.00 sound right?

I haven’t even posted My Savings lately, even though I know I’m still saving lots.

Thanks for your input!!


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Faye @ "" says

    Well, that's a very tough question, whether or not you're spending too much.

    I wish my grocery bill was $80. Let me tell you why mine isn't, for a family of three:

    1) We live in the Florida Keys, and we pay a premium for EVERYTHING that has to be trucked in from the mainland. The same chain of grocery stores will charge higher prices for the same products, for their stores located in the Keys.

    2) We choose to shop at a more expensive chain of stores (Publix), because their service is just outstanding. The stores are immaculate, no "holes" in the shelves, they are always bringing in new products at customers' requests, and there is so much variety, even for a smaller retail space than the nearest competitors. They also have a wide array of organic and all-natural foods, which brings me to my next point.

    3) We are members of an organic produce buying club. Every week, we pay $45, and pick up a huge box (30+ pounds) of a variety of organic fruits and veggies. We also buy our eggs through the club, at $4 a dozen.

    In total, I spend about $125 at Publix, and $49 at the buying club. I also buy bulk items from's Subscribe and Save program, for things like K-cup coffees and teas, my organic Agave nectar, and organic Newman's Own pet food. Call that another $20 a week.

    Weekly Grand Total for the Green Organic Family: $194.00

    Now mind you, with two refrigerators, we tend to stock up on our favorite items when they go on sale. I also tend to stay away from coupons — they tend to make you buy things you wouldn't normally buy, and probably never will again.

    Now in comparison, growing up in Southern Ontario, very close to Toronto, which is a huge transportation hub, my mother could grocery shop for the three of us for $30 at the Asian market, and maybe another $30 at the regular grocery store. $60 a week. So, it really depends where you live, and what you choose to buy.

    Still, it is good to stop and think about these things once in a while. Thanks for posting this 🙂

    Faye @

  2. Faye @ "" says

    Oh, and also, we don't eat out. Rarely.

    I pack a healthy lunch and snacks for Green Organic Girl for school, and I come home for lunch every day.

    So factor in a zero dollar budget for eating out, and that could also be why we spend more at the grocery store, because I'm buying for practically every meal that will be eaten in the coming week.

    Faye @

  3. We shop at so many stores, I truly don't know. I buy chicken and fish at Costco. I buy the bulk packs, so one pack lasts me most of the month. I buy fruits and veggies throughout the week at two different stores. I then shop at Trader Joe's and get what I haven't bought at the other places.

  4. I think $80 per week for a family of four is pretty reasonable. I do heavy couponing and shop the loss leaders at several stores and I think I spend that amount for my family of 4 as well. We do participate in a CSA for produce and buy half a steer every year for over $900, though. I just added up my totals for the last 10 weeks and it's $81.46 and that doesn't include the $440 I paid for the 20 weeks of CSA or the half steer. It does include everything else though–diapers, cleaning products, organic milk and eggs, etc. So I think you're doing fine.

  5. Whiney Momma says

    Wow, I am not sure where you live but we definitely couldn't get away with $80 per week for our family of 4. Sometimes I go to the store and buy a handful of stuff and it comes to $50 right there. I only wish our store was more reasonable. I try to use coupons but they are usually for something more expensive to begin with.

    I hope you find a good way to bargain and then be sure to share the details for us folk over here.

    BTW, I have a little award for you here

  6. I think you are right on. I budget $75 a week for a family of four.

  7. I think you're doing fine. My weeks are erratic. Sometimes we spend nothing, sometimes we spend $100. But I'd say we average out about $50 a week for a family of 4. It sounds like you do too.

    We buy a lot of fresh/frozen fruits and veggies. And less than average amount of meat. It sounds like you're doing well.