CURVD Earplugs


We recently talked about using technology to help with education.

One thing that I’d like to add is the ever changing environment my daughter studies in. As a teenager she is making the most of her portability while boosting her productivity by utilizing CURVD earplugs. She has noticed a significant improvement in her ability to focus and cut out loud distractions.
CURVD earplugs are comfortable, reusable and allows my daughter to maintain a calm environment even in a noisy cafe. I’ve also found them practical for myself when I have some time to read and unwind but also need to be aware of my home.
They don’t block out all sound but rather filter it out. In this way you can still hear speech and music clearly, just a lot more quietly.
CURVD earplugs come nicely packaged and have a quality look and feel to them straight out of the box.
Finding an environmental responsible earplug was a challenge when we looked at adding these products into our home. I had to dig a little deeper and found on the CURVD website they put in the effort with using 100% recyclable materials in their products as well as offering a silicone take-back program.
At CURVD, they are not just creating amazing products – they are working to build a better future for all.
Now I’m off to go try to read a book. When you do get the chance to find a little bit of peace and quiet you need to take it.
  – Nikki Valenzuela